The ability to do relationships well is key to success - at work, at home, and in life.

Most of us want great relationships, but have developed poor relational habits.

We do things that land badly, and unintentionally damage our relationships - but we have no idea of either what we’re doing wrong, or what we could be doing differently to improve things.
Colleagues having tense conversation in office

Success starts with improving Your Relational Intelligence - YOUR RQ!

Relationship Success Accelerator - For Busy Professionals focuses on helping you improve your RQ in the workplace.

That way, you can better manage situations, have better conversations, and achieve better outcomes... even in challenging circumstances!
Boss on laptop talking with colleague in office

As Seen In

Business Leader Magazine Logo
HR Magazine Logo
The Times Newspaper Logo
Daily Mail Newspaper Logo
Daily Express Newspaper Logo
New Business Magazine Logo
Woman & Home Magazine Logo
Woman's Weekly Magazine Logo
Relationship Hub Logo

Our Proven Six-Step Process:

This Self-Teach Online Course will help you change behaviours around six key relational areas for strengthening relationships and minimizing misunderstandings and conflict.

a. Understand Emotions – and learn to manage how your behaviour impacts others
b. Respect Differences – play to each other’s strengths and develop healthier expectations of others
c. Manage Conflict – and genuinely resolve issues without toxic behaviours that damage relationships
d. Unpack Assumptions – around culture, roles, responsibilities etc. to build mutual trust and respect
e. Clarify Priorities – and shared values and goals, to work more effectively as a team, at work or at home
f. Communicate Appreciation – build warmth, rapport and discretionary effort through showing value and appreciation in ways that are meaningful to others.

Experiencing stress and tension in your key relationships and not sure how to fix things?

Time Now to Improve Your Relational Intelligence?

Course curriculum

    1. Welcome! Start your journey here (~6 mins)

    2. Download your Participant Workbook here (2 mins)

    3. DO - Before you get started... (10 mins)

    4. A message about this online resource from your lead Coaches & Course Hosts... (2 mins)

    1. 2.a) LEARN - Module Overview (5 mins)

    2. 2.b) LEARN and DO - Understanding why we get frustrated and how we leave each other feeling (16 mins)

    3. 2.c) LEARN - How can I become more Curious than critical, in practice? (16 mins)

    4. 2.d) DO - Check your understanding (5 mins)

    5. 2.e) DO - Exercises and Reflections (30 mins)

    6. 2.f) LEARN and DO - Time for change (22 mins)

    1. 3.a) LEARN - Module Overview (5 mins)

    2. 3.b) LEARN and DO - Understanding why conflict is inevitable (20 mins)

    3. 3.c) LEARN - Understanding conflict and learning to manage it well (11 mins)

    4. 3.d) DO - Check your understanding (5 mins)

    5. 3.e) DO - Time for Reflection & Exercises (45 mins)

    6. 3.f) LEARN and DO - Time for change (~35 mins)

    1. 4.a) LEARN - Module Overview (5 mins)

    2. 4.b) LEARN - Understanding core values and assumptions (11 mins)

    3. 4.c) DO - Time for Reflection - Core Values and Assumptions (15 mins)

    4. 4.d) DO - Time for Reflection - Core Values and Assumptions Continued (5 mins)

    5. 4.e) LEARN and DO - Three BIG ASKs for building trust and respect (22 mins)

    6. 4.f) LEARN - How To Have Courageous Conversations Successfully (15 mins)

    7. 4.g) DO - Time for further reflection

    1. 5.a) LEARN - Module Overview (5 mins)

    2. 5.b) LEARN and DO - What matters most? (45 mins)

    3. 5.c) LEARN - How can I create Peace, Harmony and Balance in Practice? (20 mins)

    4. 5.d) LEARN and DO - How can I develop a schedule template for my own ideal week? (40 mins)

About this course

  • £199.00
  • 41 lessons
  • 2.5 hours of video content

Organisations we've worked with

Coutts & Co. Logo
De Beer Group Logo
PVH Logo
PMI Logo
Federated Hermes Limited
Kamwell Wellbeing Consultancy Logo
Jamaica High Commission UK Logo
Birmingham City University Logo

Real Stories, Real Change

To maintain confidentiality, we refrain from disclosing clients' names.

It's all about Intentionality!

Manager, Financial Services

I used to feel people were just people, but now I'm more intentional about building one-on-one relationships, being more available and prioritising relationships above the work tasks.

Helped me Manage Conflict better...

Project Manager, Health Care

This program was really insightful about how to manage conflict. I feel empowered to work through conflict in all my interpersonal relations.

Love the Emotional Bank Account!

Team Lead, Financial Services

I'm now applying the concept of the emotional bank account to manage relationships, help new joiners settle in faster and have difficult conversations more successfully.

Improved my Communication

Manager, Local Government

I chose this program because it's the 'Golden Thread' that binds relationships. If you get communication right all the other things fall into place.

No Fluff! Really helped me pivot

IT Consultant, Cybersecurity

The scary thing for me was finding out how wrong I've got this for almost 10 years! Every bit of this is purposeful - no fluff!

Your Course Hosts

Your Co-Presenters Dr. Andrea & Jonathan Taylor-Cummings

Andrea and Jon are the co-Founders and Co-CEOs of 4 Habits Consulting and Founding Trustees of the UK registered charity, Soulmates Academy Foundation.

Being city professionals and entrepreneurs themselves, Andrea and Jon have first-hand experience of the inevitable strain on relationships caused by high stress careers, living and working together, and juggling the responsibilities of family and work in an attempt to find a sustainable balance. The 4 Habits are a culmination of their work in relationship education over 25+ years, drawing from principles in psychology, management theory and scientific research. Initially alongside their professional city careers, and now as their full time mission, they help people change their behaviours from habits that damage relationships to habits that strengthen them, on purpose.

Andrea & Jon are recognised authorities on the subject of relationship education, with numerous public speaking engagements, multiple TV, Radio and Podcast appearances around the world, a successful TEDx Talk (3M+ Views) and a book on The 4 Habits of ALL successful relationships.

In April 2023 they celebrated 30 years of marriage. They have 2 grown children… who still keep them totally accountable on all the relationship advice they give!

The Only Regret You'll Have Is That You Didn't Do This Sooner.

Ready To Tackle Your Relationship Challenges?