Course Description

This mentoring program has been designed as a suite of private 1-on-1 sessions with Dr. Andrea & Jon to help facilitate your learning of The 4 Habits (as outlined in their TEDx talk), get your questions answered privately as a couple and navigate specific issues.

The program is most effective when done as a couple, with both of you on board and willing to work on improving your relationship.

The sessions are delivered as 6x 90-minutes video calls, interspersed with online learning - where you each go through the modules of Relationship Success Accelerator - For Couples online course (included as part of this mentoring programme). We recommend you go through the online content together, but in case it's more convenient or preferred, we give you two access licences so you can go through separately.

Subject to your availability to work through the online course, the program typically lasts 6-12 weeks.

Between the video calls, Jon / Andrea are also available by Email or Private Chat Group (WhatsApp) to answer questions and provide input as appropriate.

We look forward to working with you...

Andrea & Jon

Get this session if you:

  1. are both keen to invest in your relationship and ready to start, but have some reservations about potential fallout from getting going.
  2. would like some help to work through the 4 habits and get your questions answered as you go.
  3. have specific issues/challenges you would like to discuss.

What you'll get out of it:

Outside of any major abusive situations, by the end of the 6 sessions, you will have the tools and understanding required to reframe issues, have better conversations and better outcomes, and be equipped to take your relationship to a new level.  But don't just take our work for it... here's how one lady put it recently:

"Thank you so much. I can’t explain enough how Your program has helped reshape my relationships. I am forever grateful to you and Andrea for giving me the opportunity to learn from you." 

Ready to get started?

  1. Pay for your course at the link above.
  2. Once we receive your confirmation, we'll send you an email with contact details to book our first 90-minute video call together.
  3. Within 24 hours you will also receive a series of emails confirming your enrolment onto Relationship Success Accelerator - For Couples (send us your partner's name and email address if you require separate login).
  4. That's all we need to cover for now - we'll pick up the rest in our first session!

(Note: Ignore the rs in the "Course Contents" below refers to the amount of time you will spend with Jon & Andrea as part of this mentoring program.  In addition, you should expect to spend around 8-10 hours on your own, as a couple, going through the online course.)

Your Co-Presenters Dr. Andrea & Jonathan Taylor-Cummings

Andrea and Jon are the co-Founders and Co-CEOs of 4 Habits Consulting and Founding Trustees of the UK registered charity, Soulmates Academy Foundation.

Being city professionals and entrepreneurs themselves, Andrea and Jon have first-hand experience of the inevitable strain on relationships caused by high stress careers, living and working together, and juggling the responsibilities of family and work in an attempt to find a sustainable balance. The 4 Habits are a culmination of their work in relationship education over 25+ years, drawing from principles in psychology, management theory and scientific research. Initially alongside their professional city careers, and now as their full time mission, they help people change their behaviours from habits that damage relationships to habits that strengthen them, on purpose.

Andrea & Jon are recognised authorities on the subject of relationship education, with numerous public speaking engagements, multiple TV, Radio and Podcast appearances around the world, a successful TEDx Talk (3M+ Views) and a book on The 4 Habits of ALL successful relationships.

In April 2023 they celebrated 30 years of marriage. They have 2 grown children… who still keep them totally accountable on all the relationship advice they give!

Course curriculum

    1. 90 MINS: VIDEO CALL with Jon / Andrea - Introductions, Getting to grips with basic challenges & Proposed order, structure & dates/times for sessions

    2. 3 HOURS: ONLINE LEARNING - Couple go through STEP 1 & STEP 2 of RSA-For Couples in their own time, and complete exercises.

    1. 90 MINS: VIDEO CALL with Jon / Andrea - Lessons Learned from online course & practice, Questions Answered, Proposed Next Steps

    2. 1 HR 45 MINS: ONLINE LEARNING - Couple go through STEP 3 in their own time, and complete exercises.

    1. 90 MINS: VIDEO CALL with Jon / Andrea - Lessons Learned from online course & practice, Questions Answered, Proposed Next Steps

    2. 1 HR 10 MINS: ONLINE LEARNING - Couple go through STEP 4 in their own time, and complete exercises.

    1. 90 MINS: VIDEO CALL with Jon / Andrea - Lessons Learned from online course & practice, Questions Answered, Proposed Next Steps

    2. 1 HR 50 MINS: ONLINE LEARNING - Couple go through STEP 5 in their own time and complete exercises.

    1. 90 MINS: VIDEO CALL with Jon / Andrea - Overall Lessons Learned, Questions Answered, Recommendations for Ongoing Growth & Development as a couple.

    2. 2 HRS 30 MINS: ONLINE LEARNING - Couple go through STEP 6 & BRINGING IT ALL TOGETHER in their own time and complete exercises.

    1. 90 MINS: VIDEO CALL with Jon / Andrea - Overall Lessons Learned, Questions Answered, Recommendations for Ongoing Growth & Development as a couple.

About this course

  • £4,500.00
  • 11 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content